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Given an undirected graph

A graph organizes items in an interconnected network.

Each item is a node (or vertex). Nodes are connected by edges

A graph is composed of nodes (or vertices) that are connected by edges.


  • Representing links. Graphs are ideal for cases where you're working with things that connect to other things. Nodes and edges could, for example, respectively represent cities and highways, routers and ethernet cables, or Facebook users and their friendships.


  • Scaling challenges. Most graph algorithms are O(nlg(n))O(n*lg(n)) or even slower. Depending on the size of your graph, running algorithms across your nodes may not be feasible.


Directed or undirected

In directed graphs, edges point from the node at one end to the node at the other end. In undirected graphs, the edges simply connect the nodes at each end.

In a directed graph, edges point from one node to another. In an undirected graph, the edges simply connect the nodes at each end.

Cyclic or acyclic

A graph is cyclic if it has a cycle—an unbroken series of nodes with no repeating nodes or edges that connects back to itself. Graphs without cycles are acyclic.

A cyclic graph has at least one cycle: an unbroken series of nodes with no repeating nodes or edges that connects back to itself. Otherwise the graph is acyclic.

Weighted or unweighted

If a graph is weighted, each edge has a "weight." The weight could, for example, represent the distance between two locations, or the cost or time it takes to travel between the locations.

Each edge in a weighted graph has a weight, which could represent counts, distance, time, or any other quantifiable measurement.

Legal coloring

A graph coloring is when you assign colors to each node in a graph. A legal coloring means no adjacent nodes have the same color:

For a graph to be colored legally, no adjacent nodes can share the same color.


There are a few different ways to store graphs. Let's take this graph as an example:

An example graph composed of 4 labeled vertices.

Edge list

A list of all the edges in the graph:

  graph = [[0, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3]]

Since node 3 has edges to nodes 1 and 2, [1, 3] and [2, 3] are in the edge list.

Sometimes it's helpful to pair our edge list with a list of all the nodes. For example, what if a node doesn't have any edges connected to it? It wouldn't show up in our edge list at all!

Adjacency list

A list where the index represents the node and the value at that index is a list of the node's neighbors:

  graph = [
    [0, 2, 3],
    [1, 3],
    [1, 2],

Since node 3 has edges to nodes 1 and 2, graph[3] has the adjacency list [1, 2].

We could also use a dictionary where the keys represent the node and the values are the lists of neighbors.

  graph = {
    0: [1],
    1: [0, 2, 3],
    2: [1, 3],
    3: [1, 2],

This would be useful if the nodes were represented by strings, objects, or otherwise didn't map cleanly to list indices.

Adjacency matrix

A matrix of 0s and 1s indicating whether node x connects to node y (0 means no, 1 means yes).

  graph = [
    [0, 1, 0, 0],
    [1, 0, 1, 1],
    [0, 1, 0, 1],
    [0, 1, 1, 0],

Since node 3 has edges to nodes 1 and 2, graph[3][1] and graph[3][2] have value 1.



You should know breadth-first search (BFS) and depth-first search (DFS) down pat so you can code them up quickly.

Lots of graph problems can be solved using just these traversals:

Is there a path between two nodes in this undirected graph? Run DFS or BFS from one node and see if you reach the other one.

What's the shortest path between two nodes in this undirected, unweighted graph? Run BFS from one node and backtrack once you reach the second. Note: BFS always finds the shortest path, assuming the graph is undirected and unweighted. DFS does not always find the shortest path.

Can this undirected graph be colored with two colors? Run BFS, assigning colors as nodes are visited. Abort if we ever try to assign a node a color different from the one it was assigned earlier.

Does this undirected graph have a cycle? Run BFS, keeping track of the number of times we're visiting each node. If we ever visit a node twice, then we have a cycle.

Advanced graph algorithms

If you have lots of time before your interview, these advanced graph algorithms pop up occasionally:

  • Dijkstra's Algorithm: Finds the shortest path from one node to all other nodes in a weighted graph.
  • Topological Sort: Arranges the nodes in a directed, acyclic graph in a special order based on incoming edges.
  • Minimum Spanning Tree: Finds the cheapest set of edges needed to reach all nodes in a weighted graph.
with maximum degree

The degree of a node is the number of edges connected to the node.

A node's degree refers to the number of edges connected to that node.

The maximum degree of a graph is the highest degree of all the nodes. The graph above has a maximum degree of 3.

In a directed graph, nodes have an indegree and an outdegree.

Nodes in a directed graph also have an indegree (the number of edges pointing to the node) and an outdegree (the number of edges pointing out from the node).
DD, find a graph coloring

Graph coloring is when you assign colors to the nodes in a graph.

A legal coloring means no adjacent nodes have the same color:

For a graph to be colored legally, no adjacent nodes can share the same color.

The color could be used literally. Say we're coloring a map. We'll want to color adjacent states or countries differently so their borders are clear.

The color could also represent some concept or property. For example, say we have a graph where nodes represent university classes and edges connect classes with overlapping students. We could use colors to represent the scheduled class exam time. In an illegal coloring, a student could be booked for multiple exams at once!

Edge coloring is less common, but it's also a thing. A legal edge coloring means no nodes have two edges with the same color.

using at most D+1D+1 colors.

For example:

First described by Robert Frucht in 1939, the Frucht graph is a 3-regular graph with 12 vertices, 18 edges, and no nontrivial symmetries.

This graph's maximum degree (DD) is 3, so we have 4 colors (D+1D+1). Here's one possible coloring:

The Frucht graph with legal coloring.

Graphs are represented by a list of NN node objects, each with a label, a set of neighbors, and a color:

  class GraphNode:

    def __init__(self, label):
        self.label = label
        self.neighbors = set()
        self.color = None

a = GraphNode('a')
b = GraphNode('b')
c = GraphNode('c')


graph = [a, b, c]


D+1D+1 colors is always enough. Does your function ever need more colors than that?

Does your function go through every color for every node? You can do better. You don't want NDN*D in your final runtime.

We can color a graph in linear

In general, linear time means an algorithm runs in O(n)O(n) time, where nn is the size of the input.

In graph problems like this, we usually express complexity in terms of the number of nodes (NN) and edges (MM) in the input graph. So, when we say linear time here, we mean O(N+M)O(N+M).

time and space (on the number of nodes, edges and/or the maximum degree).

What if the input graph has a loop

A loop in a graph is an edge where both ends connect to the same node:

A loop is an edge that connects a node to itself.
? Does your function handle that reasonably?


Let's take a step back. Is it always possible to find a legal coloring with D+1D+1 colors?

Let's think about it. Each node has at most DD neighbors, and we have D+1D+1 colors. So, if we look at any node, there's always at least one color that's not taken by its neighbors.

So yes—D+1D+1 is always enough colors for a legal coloring.

Still not convinced? We can prove this more formally using induction.

In general, an inductive proof uses 2 steps to prove a claim is true for all (usually positive) integers:

  1. A base case showing the claim is true for the first number (1 or 0)
  2. An inductive step showing that if we assume the claim is true for a number nn, then the claim is also true for n+1n+1

If the claim is true for the first number, and for any next number, then it must be true for all numbers.

So let's prove this claim:

A legal coloring with D+1D+1 colors is always possible for a graph of NN nodes with maximum degree DD.

For our base case, we need to show this claim holds for a graph with 1 node.

A graph with 1 node has 0 edges, so the maximum degree DD is 0. That means we have 1 color (D+1=1D+1=1).

Can we color that node with the one available color? Definitely, since it doesn't have any adjacent nodes that could make the coloring illegal.

What about if the graph has a loop!

A loop in a graph is an edge where both ends connect to the same node:

A loop is an edge that connects a node to itself.
We're assuming our graph doesn't have these because otherwise, there's no possible legal coloring. Keep this edge case in mind though: we'll need to check for loops in our input graph and throw an error if we find any.

So we've proven our base case. Now for the inductive step.

This'll be our assumption:

A D+1D+1 coloring is possible for a graph with NN nodes.

Can we show that if our assumption is true, it must also be true for a graph with N+1N+1 nodes?

Let's say we have a graph with N+1N+1 nodes and maximum degree DD. We're not sure yet if we can color it with D+1D+1 colors, right?

Ok, so let's remove a node and its edges from the graph. Any node. Now we have a graph with NN nodes.

What happened to DD by removing a node?

DD either stayed the same or went down. We removed edges, so there's no way DD went up.

So now we have a graph with NN nodes and maximum degree at most DD. Can we color this graph with D+1D+1 colors?

Yup! That's exactly our assumption! As part of the inductive step, we've assumed that we can color this graph with D+1D+1 colors. So let's go ahead and color the graph.

Now all we have to do is add back in the node we removed (so we have N+1N+1 nodes again) and show we can find a valid color for that node.

When we add the node we removed back in, what's the most neighbors it can have?

DD. We started with a graph with N+1N+1 nodes and maximum degree DD, and we just rebuilt that graph.

In the worst case, the node we add back in will have DD neighbors, and they'll all have different colors. Not a problem. We have D+1D+1 colors to choose from, so at least one color is still free. We'll use that one for this node. Bam.

Okay, so there is always a legal coloring. Now, how can we find it?

A brute force

A brute force algorithm finds a solution by trying all possible answers and picking the best one.

Say you're a cashier and need to give someone 67 cents (US) using as few coins as possible. How would you do it?

You could try running through all potential coin combinations and pick the one that adds to 67 cents using the fewest coins. That's a brute force algorithm, since you're trying all possible ways to make change.

Here are a few other brute force algorithms:

  • Trying to fit as many overlapping meetings as possible in a conference room? Run through all possible schedules, and pick the schedule that fits the most meetings in the room.
  • Trying to find the cheapest route through a set of cities? Try all possible routes and pick the cheapest one.
  • Looking for a minimum spanning tree in a graph? Try all possible sets of edges, and pick the cheapest set that's also a tree.

Brute force solutions are usually very slow since they involve testing a huge number of possible answers.

Brute force approaches are rarely the most efficient. Other approaches, like greedy algorithms or dynamic programming tend to be faster.

Even so, talking through a brute force solution can be a good first step in a coding interview. It's usually pretty easy to derive, so it allows you to quickly make progress and come up with something that works. From there, you have some helpful boundaries for refining your algorithm—you're only interested in solutions that are faster (and/or more space efficient) than the brute force solution you've already come up with.

approach would be to try every possible combination of colors until we find a legal coloring. Our steps would be:

  1. For each possible graph coloring,
  2. If the coloring is legal, then return it
  3. Otherwise, move on to the next coloring

For example, looking back at our sample graph:

First described by Robert Frucht in 1939, the Frucht graph is a 3-regular graph with 12 vertices, 18 edges, and no nontrivial symmetries.

DD is 3, so we can use 4 colors. The combinations of 4 colors for all 12 nodes are:

  red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red
red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, yellow
red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, green
red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, blue
red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, red, yellow, red
blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, green
blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue, blue

And we'd keep trying combinations until we reach one that legally colors the graph.

This would work. But what's the complexity?

Here we'd try 4124^{12} combinations (every combination of 4 colors for 12 nodes). In general, we'll have to check O(DN)O(D^N) colorings. And that's not all—each time we try a coloring, we have to check all MM edges to see if the vertices at both ends have different colors. So, our runtime is O(MDN)O(M*D^N). That's exponential time since NN is in an exponent.

Since this algorithm is so inefficient, it's probably not what the interviewer is looking for. With practice, it gets easier to quickly judge if an approach will be inefficient. Still, sometimes it's a good idea in an interview to briefly explain inefficient ideas and why you think they're inefficient. It shows rigorous thinking.

How can we color the graph more efficiently?

Well, we're wasting a lot of time trying color combinations that don't work. If the first 2 nodes are neighbors, we shouldn't try any combinations where the first 2 colors are the same.

Instead of assigning all the colors at once, what if we colored the nodes one by one?

We could assign a color to the first node, then find a legal color for the second node, then for the third node, and keep going node by node.

  def color_graph(graph, colors):
    for node in graph:
        # Get the node's neighbors' colors, as a set so we
        # can check if a color is illegal in constant time
        illegal_colors = set([
            for neighbor in node.neighbors
            if neighbor.color
        legal_colors = [
            for color in colors
            if color not in illegal_colors

        # Assign the first legal color
        node.color = legal_colors[0]

Is it possible we'll back ourselves into a corner somehow and run out of colors for some nodes?

Let's think back to our earlier argument about whether a coloring always exists:

Each node has at most DD neighbors, and we have D+1D+1 colors. So, if we look at any node, there's always at least one color that's not taken by its neighbors.

That reasoning works here, too! So no—we'll never back ourselves into a corner.

Ok, what's our runtime?

We're iterating through each node in the graph, so the loop body executes NN times. In each iteration of the loop:

  1. We look at the current node's neighbors to figure out what colors are already taken. That's O(D)O(D), since any given node can have up to DD neighbors.
  2. Then, we look at all the colors (there are O(D)O(D) of them) to see which ones are available.
  3. Finally, we pick the first color that's free and assign it to the node (O(1)O(1)).

So our runtime is N(D+D+1)N*(D+D+1), which is O(ND)O(N*D).

Can we tighten our analysis a bit here? Take a look at step 1, where we collect the neighbors' colors:

We said looking at each node's neighbors was O(D)O(D) since each node can have at most DD neighbors . . . but each node might have way fewer neighbors than that.

Can we say anything about the total number of neighbors we'll look at across all of the loop iterations? How many neighbors are there in the entire graph?

Each edge creates two neighbors: one for each node on either end. So when our code looks at every neighbor for every node, it looks at 2M2*M neighbors in all. With O(M)O(M) neighbors, collecting all the colors over the entire for loop takes O(M)O(M) time.

Using this tighter analysis, we've taken our runtime from N(D+D+1)N*(D+D+1) down to N(D+1)+MN*(D+1)+M. That's O((ND)+M)O((N*D)+M) time.

Of course, that complexity doesn't look any faster, at least not asymptotically. But in the underlying expression, we've gotten rid of one of the two NDN*D factors.

Can we get rid of the other one to bring our complexity down to linear

In general, linear time means an algorithm runs in O(n)O(n) time, where nn is the size of the input.

In graph problems like this, we usually express complexity in terms of the number of nodes (NN) and edges (MM) in the input graph. So, when we say linear time here, we mean O(N+M)O(N+M).


The remaining NDN*D factor comes from step 2: looking at every color for every node to populate legal_colors.

Do we have to look at every color for every node?

When we're coloring a node, we just need one color that hasn't been taken by any of the node's neighbors. We can stop looking at colors as soon as we find one:

  def color_graph(graph, colors):
    for node in graph:
        # Get the node's neighbors' colors, as a set so we
        # can check if a color is illegal in constant time
        illegal_colors = set([
            for neighbor in node.neighbors
            if neighbor.color

        # Assign the first legal color
        for color in colors:
            if color not in illegal_colors:
                node.color = color

Okay, now what's the time cost of assigning the first legal color to every node (the whole last block)?

We'll try at most len(illegal_colors) + 1 colors in total. That's how many we'd need if we happen to test all the colors in illegal_colors first, before finally testing the one legal color last.

Remember the "+1" we get from testing the one legal color last! It's going to be important in a second.

How many colors are in illegal_colors? It's at most the number of neighbors, if each neighbor has a different color.

Let's use that trick of looking at all of the loop iterations together. In total, over the course of the entire loop, how many neighbors are there?

Well, each of our MM edges adds two neighbors to the graph: one for each node on either end. So that's 2M2*M neighbors in total. Which means 2M2*M illegal colors in total.

But remember: we said we'd try as many as len(illegal_colors) + 1 colors per node. We still have to factor in that "+1"! Across all NN of our nodes, that's an additional NN colors. So we try 2M+N2*M+N colors in total across all of our nodes.

That's O(M+N)O(M+N) time for assigning the first legal color to every node. Add that to the O(M)O(M) for finding all the illegal colors, and we get O(M+N)O(M+N) time in total for our graph coloring function.

Is this the fastest runtime we can get? We'll have to look at every node (O(N)O(N)) and every edge (O(M)O(M)) at least once, so yeah, we can't get any better than O(N+M)O(N+M).

How about our space cost?

The only data structure we allocate with non-constant space is the set of illegal colors. What's the most space that ever takes up?

In the worst case, the neighbors of the node with the maximum degree will all have different colors, so our space cost is O(D)O(D).

Before we're done, what about edge cases?

For graph problems in general, edge cases are:

  • nodes with no edges
  • cycles
  • loops

What if there are nodes with no edges? Will our function still color every node?

Yup, no problem. Isolated nodes tend to cause problems when we're traversing a graph (starting from one node and "walking along" edges to other nodes, like we do in a depth-first or breadth-first search). We're not doing that here—instead, we're iterating over a list of all the nodes.

What if the graph has a cycle?

A graph has a cycle if there is a path from any node to itself via other nodes.

A cyclic graph has at least one cycle: an unbroken series of nodes with no repeating nodes or edges that connects back to itself. Otherwise the graph is acyclic.
Will our function still work?

Yes, it will. Cycles also tend to cause problems with graph traversal, because we can end up in infinite loops (going around and around the cycle). But we're not actually traversing our graph here.

What if the graph has a loop?

A loop in a graph is an edge where both ends connect to the same node:

A loop is an edge that connects a node to itself.

That's a problem. A node with a loop is adjacent to itself, so it can't have the same color as . . . itself. So it's impossible to "legally color" a node with a loop. So we should throw an error.

How can we detect loops?

We know a node has a loop if the node is in its own set of neighbors.


We go through the nodes in one pass, assigning each node the first legal color we find.

How can we be sure we'll always have at least one legal color for every node? In a graph with maximum degree DD, each node has at most DD neighbors. That means there are at most DD colors taken by a node's neighbors. And we have D+1D+1 colors, so there's always at least one color left to use.

When we color each node, we're careful to stop iterating over colors as soon as we find a legal color.

  def color_graph(graph, colors):
    for node in graph:
        if node in node.neighbors:
            raise Exception('Legal coloring impossible for node with loop: %s' %

        # Get the node's neighbors' colors, as a set so we
        # can check if a color is illegal in constant time
        illegal_colors = set([
            for neighbor in node.neighbors
            if neighbor.color

        # Assign the first legal color
        for color in colors:
            if color not in illegal_colors:
                node.color = color


O(N+M)O(N+M) time where NN is the number of nodes and MM is the number of edges.

The runtime might not look linear

In general, linear time means an algorithm runs in O(n)O(n) time, where nn is the size of the input.

In graph problems like this, we usually express complexity in terms of the number of nodes (NN) and edges (MM) in the input graph. So, when we say linear time here, we mean O(N+M)O(N+M).

because we have outer and inner loops. The trick is to look at each step and think of things in terms of the total number of edges (MM) wherever we can:

  • We check if each node appears in its own set of neighbors. Checking if something is in a set is O(1)O(1), so doing it for all NN nodes is O(N)O(N).
  • When we get the illegal colors for each node, we iterate through that node's neighbors. So in total, we cross each of the graphs MM edges twice: once for the node on either end of each edge. O(M)O(M) time.
  • When we assign a color to each node, we're careful to stop checking colors as soon as we find one that works. In the worst case, we'll have to check one more color than the total number of neighbors. Again, each edge in the graph adds two neighbors—one for the node on either end—so there are 2M2*M neighbors. So, in total, we'll have to try O(N+M)O(N+M) colors.

Putting all the steps together, our complexity is O(N+M)O(N+M).

What about space complexity? The only thing we're storing is the illegal_colors set. In the worst case, all the neighbors of a node with the maximum degree (DD) have different colors, so our set takes up O(D)O(D) space.


  1. Our solution runs in O(N+M)O(N+M) time but takes O(D)O(D) space. Can we get down to O(1)O(1) space?
  2. Our solution finds a legal coloring, but there are usually many legal colorings. What if we wanted to optimize a coloring to use as few colors as possible?

The lowest number of colors we can use to legally color a graph is called the chromatic number.

There's no known polynomial time solution for finding a graph’s chromatic number. It might be impossible, or maybe we just haven’t figured out a solution yet.

We can't even determine in polynomial time if a graph can be colored using a given kk colors. Even if kk is as low as 3.

We care about polynomial time solutions (nn raised to a constant power, like O(n2)O(n^2)) because for large nns, polynomial time algorithms are more practical to actually use than higher runtimes like exponential time (a constant raised to the power of nn, like O(2n)O(2^n)). Computer scientists usually call algorithms with polynomial time solutions feasible, and problems with worse runtimes intractable.

The problem of determining if a graph can be colored with kk colors is in the class of problems called NP (nondeterministic polynomial time). This means that in polynomial time, we can verify a solution is correct but we can’t come up with a solution. In this case, if we have a graph that's already colored with kk colors we verify the coloring uses kk colors and is legal, but we can't take a graph and a number kk and determine if the graph can be colored with kk colors.

If you can find a solution or prove a solution doesn't exist, you'll win a $1,000,000 Millennium Problem Prize.

For coloring a graph using as few colors as possible, we don’t have a feasible solution. For real-world problems, we'd often need to check so many possibilities that we’ll never be able to use brute-force no matter how advanced our computers become.

One way to reliably reduce the number of colors we use is to use the greedy algorithm but carefully order the nodes. For example, we can prioritize nodes based on their degree, the number of colored neighbors they have, or the number of uniquely colored neighbors they have.

What We Learned

We used a greedy

A greedy algorithm builds up a solution by choosing the option that looks the best at every step.

Say you're a cashier and need to give someone 67 cents (US) using as few coins as possible. How would you do it?

Whenever picking which coin to use, you'd take the highest-value coin you could. A quarter, another quarter, then a dime, a nickel, and finally two pennies. That's a greedy algorithm, because you're always greedily choosing the coin that covers the biggest portion of the remaining amount.

Some other places where a greedy algorithm gets you the best solution:

  • Trying to fit as many overlapping meetings as possible in a conference room? At each step, schedule the meeting that ends earliest.
  • Looking for a minimum spanning tree in a graph? At each step, greedily pick the cheapest edge that reaches a new vertex.

Careful: sometimes a greedy algorithm doesn't give you an optimal solution:

Validating that a greedy strategy always gets the best answer is tricky. Either prove that the answer produced by the greedy algorithm is as good as an optimal answer, or run through a rigorous set of test cases to convince your interviewer (and yourself) that its correct.

approach to build up a correct solution in one pass through the nodes.

This brought us close to the optimal runtime, but we also had to take that last step of iterating over the colors only until we find a legal color. Sometimes stopping a loop like that is just a premature optimization that doesn't bring down the final runtime, but here it actually made our runtime linear!

Do you have an answer?

Wanna review this one again later? Or do you feel like you got it all?

Mark as done Pin for review later
import unittest
class GraphNode:
def __init__(self, label):
self.label = label
self.neighbors = set()
self.color = None
def color_graph(graph, colors):
# Create a valid coloring for the graph
return 0
# Tests
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.colors = frozenset([
def assertGraphColoring(self, graph, colors):
self.assertGraphHasColors(graph, colors)
for node in graph:

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